Download [sr_product_name] at cheap price:-
3WART Business Site Template – is a website based on the
world’s most widespread php Framework Laravel. The template has the
characteristics of a CMS, in addition to the frontend, the backend is included, which
means that the template can be completely controlled. You can add, edit and
delete site content. The template has multilingual support: Englisch, German,
Spanish, Italian, French. For all languages you can add already translated content.
The template also supports many additional functions, including the ability to
search the site.
Site is built on Laravel 8 and Bootstrap v4.5.2
- Fully Responsive;
- Bootstrap 4.5;
- Minimal and Clean;
- Cross Browser;
- FontAwesome Fonts Icons;
- CSS3 Animations;
- Fixed Navigation;
- Dark & Light Mode;
- Image Slider;
- Parallax Image Backgrounds;
- Parallax Scrolling;
- Animate On Scroll Library;
- Jquery Circle Progress;
- Cookie Alert;
- Testimonials Carousel;
- Pricing Plan;
- Our Team;
- Our Clients;
- Multi Language;
- Page Preloader;
- Google Map;
- Search Function;
- Dashboard – Admin Panel;
- Fully Responsive;
- Bootstrap 4.5;
- Minimal and Clean;
- Cross Browser;
- The Ability To Create And Edit System Users;
- The Ability To Enable / Disable Home Page Sections:
- Slides Section
- Important Campaign Slogans Section
- Result In Percentage Section
- Promotion Blocks Section
- Testimonials Section
- Our Clients Section
- Pricing Plan Section
- Bottom Slogan Section
The Ability To Enable / Disable Languages;
The Ability To Enable / Disable Dark Mode;
The Ability To Create And Edit Slides;
The Ability To Create And Edit Testimonials;
The Ability To Create And Edit Clients;
The Ability To Create And Edit Members;
The Ability To Create And Edit Offers;
The Ability To Create And Edit Works;
The Ability To Specify The Location On The Google Map;
The Ability To Change The Entire Content Of The Site;
The Ability To Translate Site Content In 5 Languages:
- • Englisch
- • German
- • Spanish
- • Italian
- • French
[sr_product_name] is developed by [developer_name] (Known and Good Developer)
If you want more information about this product then visit the main author’s website.
This plugin was uploaded on our website [sr_release_date]
Download [sr_product_name] HTML Template right now and set up your own High-End website in a matter of minutes.
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